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| | Danh mục nội dung: Chuyên mục chính/II. Linh kiện điện tử và công cụ phát triển/II.2.a. Vi điều khiển MCU 8-bit lõi 8051 của Nuvoton
| N79E8432ASG: 80C51 Microcontroller with 4KB flash, I2C, PWM, ADC, IAP and IRC, ISP/ICP | Part#: Nuvoton N79E8432ASG | Giá (chưa VAT): 12.000đ; 1000+: 9.000đ; 3000+: 7.000đ | Ghi chú: 4KB [SOP16] | Nhãn hiệu: Nuvoton (Đài Loan/ Taiwan) | Cấu hình: ICP, ISP; 4KB IAP | Video: UART, I2C, PWM, ADC, IRC 22MHz, KBI, BOR | [ Tài liệu ] [ Báo giá ] [ Shopping ] [ Views: 5348 ] 2021-12-02 |
| | | | ◊ Đặc điểm chính: | | The N79E845A/844A/8432A 8-bit Turbo 51 (4T Mode) microcontroller is embedded with 16K/8K/4K bytes Flash EPROM which can be programmed through universal hardware writer, serial ICP (In Circuit Program) programmer, software ISP function. The instruction sets of the N79E845A/844A/8432A are fully compatible with the standard 8052. The N79E845A/844A/8432A contains 16K/8K/4K bytes Application Flash EPROM (APROM) memory, 4 Kbytes Data Flash memory, and 2 Kbytes Load Flash EPROM (LDROM) memory; 256 bytes direct and indirect RAM, 256 bytes XRAM; 17 I/O with bit-addressable I/O ports; two 16-bit timers/counters; 7-channel multiplexed 10-bit A/D converter; 4-channel 10-bit PWM; three serial ports including a SPI, I2C and an enhanced full duplex serial port; 2-level BOD voltage detection/reset, and power-on reset (POR). The N79E845A/844A/8432A also supports internal RC oscillator at the nominal frequency of 22.1184 MHz. The accuracy of RC oscillator (22.1184 MHz) is trimmed as ±1% under the condition of room temperature and VDD = 5V before shipping from by factory trimming mechanism. These peripherals are supported by 14 sources of four-level interrupt capability. To facilitate programming and verification, the Flash EPROM inside the N79E845A/844A/8432A allows the program memory to be programmed and read electronically. Once the code is confirmed, the user can protect the code for security.
The N79E845A/844A/8432A microcontroller, featuring wide operating voltage range, built-in rich analog and digital peripherals and non-volatile Flash memory, is widely suitable for general control and home appliances. |
Core- Fully static design 8-bit Turbo 51 (4T) CMOS microcontroller
- Instruction sets fully compatible with the MCS-51
Operating voltage range- VDD = 4.5V to 5.5V at FOSC up to 24MHz
- VDD = 3.0V to 5.5V at Internal RC 22.1184MHz
- VDD = 2.4V to 5.5V at FOSC = 4~12MHz or Internal RC 11.0592MHz
Operating temperature range Clock Source- High-speed external oscillator
— Up to 24 MHz Crystal and resonator (enabled by CONFIG-bits) - Internal RC oscillator: 22.1184MHz/11.0592MHz (selectable by CONFIG-bits)
— ± 1% at VDD = 5V and 25 °C — ± 3% at VDD = 2.7V ~ 5.5V and 25 °C — ± 5% at VDD = 2.7V ~ 5.5V and -10 °C~+ 70 °C — ± 8% at VDD = 2.7V ~ 5.5V and -40 °C ~ 85 °C - Flexible CPU clock source configurable by CONFIG-bits and software
- 8-bit Programmable CPU clock divider(DIVM)
On-chip Memory- 100,000 erase/write cycles
- N79E845A: 16 Kbytes shared by APROM and Data Flash depending on CONFIG-bits definitions
- N79E844A: 8 Kbytes APROM, 4 Kbytes Data Flash
- N79E8432A: 4 Kbytes APROM, 4 Kbytes Data Flash
- APROM, LDROM and Data Flash security protection
- Flash page size as 128 bytes
- 256 bytes of on-chip direct/indirect RAM
- 256 bytes of XRAM, accessed by MOVX instruction
- On-chip Flash programmed through
— Parallel H/W Writer mode — Serial In-Circuit-Program mode (ICP) — Software Implemented ISP (In-System-Program)
I/O Ports- Maximum 17 I/O pins
- All I/O pin besides P1.2 and P1.3 support 4 software configurable output modes
- Software selectable TTL or Schmitt trigger input type per port
- 14 interrupt sources with four levels of priority
- LED drive capability 38mA on P10, P11, P14, P16, P17
- LED drive capability 20mA on port 0 and port 3
Timer/Counter- 2 sets 16-bit Timers/Counters
- One 16-bit Timer with two channel of input captures
Watchdog Timer- Programmable Watchdog Timer
- Clock source supported by internal 10kHz ±50% accuracy RC oscillator
Serial ports (UART, SPI, I2C)- One set enhanced full duplex UART port with framing error detection and automatic address recognition.
- One set SPI with master/slave capability
- One set I2C with master/slave capability
PWM- 4 channels 10-bit PWM outputs with one brake/fault input
KBI - 8-keypad interrupt inputs(KBI) with 8 falling/rising/both-edge detection pins selected by software
ADC - 10-bit A/D converter
- Up to 150 Ksps.(sample per second)
- 7 analog input channels
Brown-out Detector- 2 -level ( 3.8V / 2.7V ) BOD detector
- Supports interrupt and reset options
POR (Power on Reset)- Threshold voltage levels is 2.0V
Built-in power management- Idle mode
- Power down mode with optional enabled WDT functions
Development Tools - Hardware writer
- ICP programmer
- ISP update APROM by UART port
Part No. | APROM | LDROM | RAM | Data FLASH | Package | N79E845ASG | 16KB | 2KB | 512B | Share APROM | SOP-20 Pin | N79E845AWG | 16KB | 2KB | 512B | Share APROM | TSSOP-20 Pin | N79E844ASG | 8KB | 2KB | 512B | 4KB | SOP-20 Pin | N79E844AWG | 8KB | 2KB | 512B | 4KB | TSSOP-20 Pin | N79E8432ASG | 4KB | 2KB | 512B | 4KB | SOP-16 Pin |
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| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 22.500đ; 1000+: 18.000đ; 5000+: 15.000đ; | |
| | | | | | | | | | 16.000đ; 1000+: 13.000đ; 3000+: 11.000đ | |
| 26.000đ (Thay bằng N78E059ADG) | |
| | 15.000đ; 1000+: 11.000đ; 3000+: 9.000đ | |
| 16.000đ; 1000+: 13.000đ; 3000+: 10.000đ | |
| 12.000đ; 1000+: 9.000đ; 3000+: 7.000đ | |
| | | | 28.000đ; 1000+: 25.000đ [SOP14] | |
| | | | | | | | 15.000đ; 1000+: 12.000đ; 5000+: 9.500đ | |
| | | | | 14.000đ; 1000+: 11.000đ; 3000+: 9.000đ | |
| | | | | | | | | | 20.000đ; 1000+: 14.000đ; 3000+: 12.000đ | |
| 20.000đ; 1000+: 14.000đ; 3000+: 12.000đ | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |