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| | Danh mục nội dung: Chuyên mục chính/II. Linh kiện điện tử và công cụ phát triển/II.2.b. Vi điều khiển MCU 32-bit lõi ARM Cortex-M (Numicro) của Nuvoton
| NANO102SC2AN: Vi điều khiển 32-bit lõi ARM Cortex-M0 (Low power with LCD driver) | Part#: Nuvoton NANO102SC2AN [ Sẵn hàng: 6 pcs ] | Giá (chưa VAT): 38.000đ | Ghi chú: 32KB [LQFP64] | Nhãn hiệu: Nuvoton (RTC, IRC) | Cấu hình: Config | Package: LQFP64 (7x7mm) | Video: UART, SPI, I2C, PWM, ADC, Comp., RTC, EBI, PDMA, IRC | [ Tài liệu ] [ Báo giá ] [ Shopping ] [ Views: 5302 ] 2021-12-02 |
| | | | ◊ Đặc điểm chính: | | The NuMicro™ Nano102 series embedded with the ARM® Cortex™-M0 core runs up to 32 MHz with 16K/32K bytes embedded Flash and 4K/8K bytes embedded SRAM and 4K bytes Flash loader memory for In System Programming (ISP) . The Nano102 series integrates Real Time Counter (RTC) , 12-bit SAR ADC, UART, SPI, I²C, PWM/Capture, Comparator, ISO-7816-3, Watchdog Timer (WDT) , Brown-out Detector, and fast wake-up via all peripheral interfaces, and supports 96-bit Unique ID and 128-bit Unique Customer ID. |
Wearable Device, Mobile Payment Smart Card Reader, Motion Gaming, Smart Remote Control, Smart Home Appliances, Alarm and Security Monitoring, Building Control, RFID Reader, etc.
Key Features:
• Core
- Cortex™-M0 processor
- Max frequency of 32 MHz
- Operating voltage: 1.8V to 3.6V
- Temperature range: -40℃~85℃
• Ultra-Low Power Consumption
- 150 uA/MHz (Normal)
- 65 uA/MHz (Idle)
- 1.5 uA (Power down, RTC on, RAM retention)
- 0.65 uA (Power down, RAM retention)
- Fast wake-up: less than 6 us
• Memory
- 16 KB of Flash Memory
- 4 KB of SRAM
- Configurable Data Flash
- ISP (In-System Programming)
- ICP (In-Circuit Programming)
- Up to 7 channels
- 12-bit resolution
- Up to 1.5 MSPS conversion rate
- ±1℃ accurate temperature sensor
| • Comparator
- Two
- Up to 4 channel PWM or 2 complementary paired PWM outputs
- Period/duty trigger ADC function
• Connectivity
- Up to two SPIs (up to 32 MHz)
- Up to two I2Cs (up to 1 MHz)
- Up to four UARTs (two up to 1 Mbps)
- Up to two ISO-7816-3 for smart card application
• Clock Control
- 4 to 24 MHz crystal oscillator
- Internal 12 MHz / 16 MHz (1% accuracy)
- Internal 10 kHz OSC for low power system operation
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 22.500đ; 1000+: 18.000đ; 5000+: 15.000đ; | |
| | | | | | | | | | 16.000đ; 1000+: 13.000đ; 3000+: 11.000đ | |
| 26.000đ (Thay bằng N78E059ADG) | |
| | 15.000đ; 1000+: 11.000đ; 3000+: 9.000đ | |
| 16.000đ; 1000+: 13.000đ; 3000+: 10.000đ | |
| 12.000đ; 1000+: 9.000đ; 3000+: 7.000đ | |
| | | | 28.000đ; 1000+: 25.000đ [SOP14] | |
| | | | | | | | 15.000đ; 1000+: 12.000đ; 5000+: 9.500đ | |
| | | | | 14.000đ; 1000+: 11.000đ; 3000+: 9.000đ | |
| | | | | | | | | | 20.000đ; 1000+: 14.000đ; 3000+: 12.000đ | |
| 20.000đ; 1000+: 14.000đ; 3000+: 12.000đ | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | |
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