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Danh mục nội dung: Chuyên mục chính/2. Thiết bị đo lường và kiểm tra điện tử/2.0. Máy hiện sóng Oscilloscope (Máy dao động ký)

  DS6000 series: 600MHz / 1GHz Máy hiện sóng kỹ thuật số (2/4 kênh)
  Part#: Rigol DS6000
  Ghi chú: Máy hiện sóng, để bàn, 2/4-kênh
  Nhãn hiệu: Rigol (Trung Quốc/ China)
  Media: 600MHz / 1GHz, 5Gsa/s
  [ Tài liệu Datasheet ]   [ Báo giá Quotation sheet ]   [ Shopping Shopping now ]   [ Views: 9842 ]   2021-01-08
 ◊ Đặc điểm chính:

DS6000 series is the mainstreem digital oscilloscope developed by RIGOL with up to 1GHz bandwidth,5GSa/s sample rate, it has the deepest memory depth(140Mpts) and fastest Waveform Capture rate (180,000 wfms/s) of this class. DS6000 series adopt many today's new technologies to achieve high performance, abundant features in the same class. It's designed to aim at the requirements of the largest digital oscilloscope market segment from the communications, semiconductor,computing,aerospace defense,instrumentation, research/education,industrial electronics,consumer electronics and automotive industries with its innovative technology,industry leading specifications,powerful trigger functions and broad analysis capabilities.

All models provide a sample rate of 5 GSa/s, 140 Mpts memory(!), a 10” (25,6 cm) TFT color display, as well as professional measurement and mathematical functions.

The devices are available in 2 variants with either 2 or 4 channels, providing 2 bandwidths each (600 MHz and 1 GHz).

The high performance models of the Rigol DS6000 series meet all professional requirements.

  • 2 or 4 analog channels, 16 digital channels (optional)
  • 600 MHz to 1 GHz bandwith
  • 5 GSa/s sample rate
  • 140 Mpts memory
Tất cả các mẫu đều cung cấp tốc độ lấy mẫu 5 GSa / s, bộ nhớ 140 Mpts (!), Màn hình màu TFT 10 ”(25,6 cm), cũng như các chức năng đo lường và toán học chuyên nghiệp.

Các thiết bị này có sẵn trong 2 biến thể với 2 hoặc 4 kênh, cung cấp 2 băng thông mỗi kênh (600 MHz và 1 GHz).

 ◊ Mô tả chi tiết:

Special Features

Innovative wider display

Picture: Innovative wider display
It is possible to observe up to 14 divisions on the innovative extra wide 10.1" display with a resolution of 800x480 pixels. Using the "Waveform Finder" it is easy to find a specific part of the recorded waveform. The huge memory can store up to 140.000.000 points.

Very high capture rate

Picture: Very high capture rate
Due to the very high waveform capture rate of the DS6000 series oscilloscopes it is possible to capture up to 180.000 waveforms per second.

Hardware Signal Filter (unfiltered)

Picture: Hardware Signal Filter (unfiltered)
The device has several hardware filters to remove noise from the signal. Selectable filters are low pass, high pass, band pass and a band reject filter. The signal with significant noise.

Hardware Signal Filter (filtered)

Picture: Hardware Signal Filter (filtered)
The hardware filters are a lot faster than the regular data post processing filters (DSP - Digital Signal Processing). The cleaner waveform with hardware filtering.

Advanced Math

Picture: Advanced Math
The DS6000 series oscilloscopes comes with a modern and advanced math system which allows to solve complicated signal calculations quite simply using user defined formulas.

Auto measurements with statistics

Picture: Auto measurements with statistics
The oscilloscope measures up to five parameters like rise- and fall-time, amplitude, pulse width, duty cycle and many more simultaneously and shows statistics for every parameter (max- , min- and average values).

Serial Bus Decoding

Picture: Serial Bus Decoding
Serial data packages of different serial bus systems can be decoded. Supported protocols are: Parallel (standard), RS232/UART (option), I²C (option), SPI (option) and CAN (option). The optional decoding modules can be bought separately, see accessories tab on this site.

Masked Pass/Fail-Tests

Picture: Masked Pass/Fail-Tests
Pass/fail testing can be used for troubleshooting in various environments like communication networks. Features: User defined masks, Pass/Fail counts, Stop on Fail, Fail Alarm

 Thêm chi tiết:

Product Family:

ModelBWAnalog channelMax sample rateMax memory depthMax waveform capture rateDigital channelBuild in Arb
DS61041GHz45GSa/s140Mpts180,000 wfms/s--
DS6062600MHz25GSa/s140Mpts180,000 wfms/s--

Standard Accessories: RP5600A 600MHz passive probes for each channel; RP6150A 1.5GHz passive probe two for DS6104,one for DS6102; USB cable; Front panel cover; Power cord; Quick Guide;

Product Documents

 File File Size Publish Date
DS6000 Series Datasheet5MB2015-11-20
DS6000 Series User Guide5MB2015-12-31
DS6000 Quick Guide2MB2014-02-20
DS6000 Series Programming Guide2MB2014-02-20
RP6150A User Guide857KB2014-01-23
RP7150/RP7080 User Guide1MB2014-06-10
Ultra Power Analyzer Software DataSheet1MB2016-06-17

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