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| | Danh mục nội dung: Chuyên mục chính/II. Linh kiện điện tử và công cụ phát triển/II.2.b. Vi điều khiển MCU 32-bit lõi ARM Cortex-M (Numicro) của Nuvoton
| NUC121LC2AE : Vi điều khiển 32-bit lõi ARM Cortex-M0 với USB | Part#: Nuvoton NUC121LC2AE | Giá (chưa VAT): 25.000đ | Ghi chú: 32KB ROM / 8KB RAM [LQFP48] | Nhãn hiệu: Nuvoton (Đài Loan/ Taiwan) | Cấu hình: USB, PDMA, ADC-12bit, IRC, Vdd 2.5~5.5V | Video: UART, SPI, I2C, I2S, USB, PWM, ADC-12bit, 5xPDMA, IRC | [ Tài liệu ] [ Báo giá ] [ Shopping ] [ Views: 5410 ] 2021-12-02 |
| | | | ◊ Đặc điểm chính: | | The NUC121LC2AE is a 32-bit microcontroller (MCU) with ARM® Cortex®-M0 core. It runs up to 50 MHz and supports 32 KB Flash, 8 KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, 48 MHz high speed RC oscillator supporting crystal-less USB transfer and 24-ch PWM/BPWM which makes it powerful in USB communication and data control-processing. The NUC121LC2AE supports industrial operating temperature from -40℃ to 105℃, wide range power supply from 2.5V to 5.5V, and high noise immunity (8KV ESD, 4KV EFT). The available package is LQFP48.
The NUC121LC2AE also embedded an extra SPROM (Security Protection ROM), providing a secure code execution area to protect the intelligent property of developers.
Target Application: USB Composite Device, Gaming Mouse/Keyboard/Pad, USB Type-C Earphone, Industrial Automation, IoT device, etc.
Key Features: - ARM® Cortex®-M0 core - Maximum frequency: 50 MHz - Single-cycle 32-bit hardware multiplier - 32 KB application ROM (APROM) - 4.5 KB Flash for loader (LDROM) - 512 B Security Protection ROM (SPROM) - 8 KB embedded SRAM supports PDMA mode - Configurable Data Flash - Supports program update by: - ISP (In-System Programming)
- ICP (In-Circuit Programming)
- IAP (In-Application Programming)
- 5 independent configurable channels - Single and burst transfer type - Supports 12-bit SAR ADC - Up to 10 single-end analog input channels or 5 differential channels - Supports PDMA transfer | - 24-ch PWM/BPWM/Capture maximum clock frequency up to 100 MHz - PWM/BPWM supports trigger ADC on three kinds of events - PWM supports brake function - Up to one USCI interface could be set as UART, SPI, I²C mode - Up to one UART, one SPI/I²S and two I²C for independent set - Crystal-less USB 2.0 FS - 48 MHz internal RC (HIRC) - 10 kHz internal RC (LIRC) - 4-24 MHz external crystal (HXT) - 32.768 kHz external crystal (LXT) - PLL up to 100 MHz - One built-in temperature sensor with 1℃ resolution
- Operating Voltage: 2.5-5.5V
- Operating Temperature: -40℃-105℃
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| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 22.500đ; 1000+: 18.000đ; 5000+: 15.000đ; | |
| | | | | | | | | | 16.000đ; 1000+: 13.000đ; 3000+: 11.000đ | |
| 26.000đ (Thay bằng N78E059ADG) | |
| | 15.000đ; 1000+: 11.000đ; 3000+: 9.000đ | |
| 16.000đ; 1000+: 13.000đ; 3000+: 10.000đ | |
| 12.000đ; 1000+: 9.000đ; 3000+: 7.000đ | |
| | | | 28.000đ; 1000+: 25.000đ [SOP14] | |
| | | | | | | | 15.000đ; 1000+: 12.000đ; 5000+: 9.500đ | |
| | | | | 14.000đ; 1000+: 11.000đ; 3000+: 9.000đ | |
| | | | | | | | | | 20.000đ; 1000+: 14.000đ; 3000+: 12.000đ | |
| 20.000đ; 1000+: 14.000đ; 3000+: 12.000đ | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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Minato, Leap, SMH-Tech, Xeltek, Elnec, Conitec, DediProg, Phyton, Hilosystems, Flash Support Group, PEmicro || Rigol, Tonghui, Copper Mountain, Transcom, APM || Atten, Zhuomao, Puhui, Neoden, Ren Thang, Genitec, Edry, UDK ||