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(Products Line-Card)

| | Danh mục nội dung: Chuyên mục chính/1. Bộ nạp ROM (Device Programmer) - Thông tin chung và chỉ dẫn/1.6. Máy sao chép dữ liệu ổ cứng và thẻ nhớ
| | | | ◊ Đặc điểm chính: | | - Speed transfers up to 15 GB per minute.
- Systems & files code mode supports Windows (FAT16/32/64, NTFS), Linux (ext2/ext3/ext4), and Mac (HFS, HFS+, HFSX.)
- Data Sanitization: quick erase, full erase, secure erase, and DoD erase.
- Log report management records all task details for enhanced production management.
- Daisy-Chain technology makes production more efficient as the number of connections increase
Intelligent Duplication Modes U-Reach MTC-CRU HDD duplicator copies up to 15GB/min on all HDDs simultaneously, without any speed degradation as number of targets increase. This duplicator is great for manufacturers. Illustration of Copy Modes The areas containing data are marked in blue. The areas being copied are marked in red. Duplication time depends on the speed supported by the hard drive's controller chip. Impeccable High Speed U-Reach MTC-CRU HDD duplicator copies up to 15GB/min on all HDDs simultaneously, without any speed degradation as number of targets increase. This duplicator is great for manufacturers. Daisy Chain Technology U-Reach MTC-CRU HDD duplicator copies up to 15GB/min on all HDDs simultaneously, without any speed degradation as number of targets increase. This duplicator is great for manufacturers. High Compatibility - Quick copy mode supports Windows (FAT16/32/64), Linux (ext2/ext3/ext4), and Mac (HFS/HFS+/HFSX) formats.
- Whole media copy mode supports all system and proprietary formats.
- Supports various brands.
- Designed to support 18TB+ capacities.
- Supports MBR and GPT partitioning.
Sanitization Methods ● Quick Erase: Erase HDD index table, and only takes A FEW SECONDS to complete. ● Full Erase: Erases the entire HDD. ● DoD Erase: Complies with U.S. Department of Defense erasure standards. ● Secure erase: A National Institute of Standards and Technology 800-88 accepted technique for properly purging hard drives. This method is supported by almost all modern SATA/SAS HDD.
Auto Rejection of Slow Devices U-Reach MTC-CRU HDD duplicator enable end-users to set the minimum writing speed threshold. This feature was developed to prevent and to eliminate problematic devices that halts the duplication and sanitizing process. Double Data Verification: Compare + CRC Checksum U-Reach duplicators makes straightforward copies, but it is imperative that the copied data are verified through a bit-by-bit process, this will ensure successful copied and reduce customer recalls. Skipping Bad Sectors End-users are given options to skip bad sectors from the source device. Access the function to select the numbers of bad sectors to skip, from 0 through unlimited Event Log Report U-Reach MTC-CRU HDD duplicators has an unique mechanism to prevent alteration of its Event Log Report. It records the operation results and other information of each devices completely. It is an important asset for production management and analysis.
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Minato, Leap, SMH-Tech, Xeltek, Elnec, Conitec, DediProg, Phyton, Hilosystems, Flash Support Group, PEmicro || Rigol, Tonghui, Copper Mountain, Transcom, APM || Atten, Zhuomao, Puhui, Neoden, Ren Thang, Genitec, Edry, UDK ||