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(Products Line-Card)

| | Danh mục nội dung: Chuyên mục chính/II. Linh kiện điện tử và công cụ phát triển/II.2.a. Vi điều khiển MCU 8-bit lõi 8051 của Nuvoton
| | | | ◊ Đặc điểm chính: | | NuMicro MS51FB9AE is embedded with based on 1T 8051-based CMOS microcontroller, runs up to 24 MHz, features 16 K bytes flash, 1 K bytes SRAM, and 4 K bytes loader ROM for the ISP, also equipped with rich peripherals: 2 sets of UART; 1 set of I²C, and 1 set of SPI, 18 GPIO, 8 channels of 12-bit ADC, Watchdog Timer, Window Watchdog Timer and 6*16-bit PWM channel, package is available in TSSOP20. |
Target Application: - LED lighting
- Home appliances
- Industrial control
- Motor control
- Battery management system
- Power supplies
Key Features: • | Operating Characteristics | | - | Voltage range: 2.4V to 5.5V | | - | Temperature range: - 40 ℃ to + 105 ℃ | | - | EFT 4 kV | | | • | Core | | - | 1T 8051-based CMOS microcontroller running up to 24 MHz | | | | • | Memories | | - | 16 K bytes Flash | | - | Configurable 4 K / 3 K / 2 K / 1 K Bytes of LDROM, which provides flexibility to user developed Boot Code | | - | 1 K bytes SRAM | | - | 256 Bytes on-chip RAM | | - | Flash Memory accumulated with pages of 128 Bytes each | | - | Built-in In-Application-Programmable ( IAP ) | | | | • | Clocks | | - | External clock input ( 32 K body only ) | | - | 16 MHz high-speed internal oscillator trimmed to ± 1 % when VDD 5.0 V, ± 2 % in all conditions. | | - | 24 MHz high-speed internal oscillator trimmed to ± 1 % when VDD 5.0 V, ± 2 % in all conditions | | - | 10 kHz low-speed internal oscillator | | - | On-the-fly clock source switch via software | |
| • | Power management | | - | Brown-out detection ( BOD ) with low power mode available, 4-level selection, interrupt or reset options | | - | Power-on reset ( POR ) | | |
| • | Peripherals | | - | Two 16-bit Timers / Counters 0 and 1 compatible with standard 8051 | | - | One 16-bit Timer 2 with three-channel input capture module and 9 input pin can be selected | | - | One 16-bit auto-reload Timer 3, which can be the baud rate clock source of UARTs | | - | One 16-bit PWM counter interrupt for timer | | - | 6*16-bit pulse width modulator ( PWM ) output, with different modes and Fault Brake function for motor control | | - | One programmable Watchdog Timer ( WDT ) | | - | One dedicated Self Wake-up Timer ( WKT ) | | - | 2 full-duplex UART ports with frame error detection and automatic address recognition | | - | 1 SPI port with master and slave modes, up to 12 Mbps when system clock is 24 MHz | | - | 1 I²C bus with master and slave modes, up to 400 kbps data rate | | - | 8 channels of 12-bit ADC, up to 500 ksps converting rate | | - | 18 general purpose I / O pins and 1 input-only pin | | - | Programmable pull-ups pull-lows | | | | • | Development Tools | | - | Nuvoton Nu-Link with KEILTM and IAR development environment | | - | Nuvoton Nu-Link In-Circuit-Programmer | | - | Nuvoton In-System-Programming ( ISP ) | | |
| • | 96-bit Unique ID ( UID ) |
| | | • | 128-bit Unique Customer ID ( UCID ) | | | • | 2-Byte ( 16-bit ) PDID |
Flash (Kbytes) | 16 | SRAM (Kbytes) | 1 | ADC (12-bit) | 8-ch | Timer | 4 | SPI | 1 | Package | TSSOP20 | I2C | 1 | PWM | 6 |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 22.500đ; 1000+: 18.000đ; 5000+: 15.000đ; | |
| | | | | | | | | | 16.000đ; 1000+: 13.000đ; 3000+: 11.000đ | |
| 26.000đ (Thay bằng N78E059ADG) | |
| | 15.000đ; 1000+: 11.000đ; 3000+: 9.000đ | |
| 16.000đ; 1000+: 13.000đ; 3000+: 10.000đ | |
| 12.000đ; 1000+: 9.000đ; 3000+: 7.000đ | |
| | | | 28.000đ; 1000+: 25.000đ [SOP14] | |
| | | | | | | | 15.000đ; 1000+: 12.000đ; 5000+: 9.500đ | |
| | | | | 14.000đ; 1000+: 11.000đ; 3000+: 9.000đ | |
| | | | | | | | | | 20.000đ; 1000+: 14.000đ; 3000+: 12.000đ | |
| 20.000đ; 1000+: 14.000đ; 3000+: 12.000đ | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |